Worship with us!
We are on a mission to Reclaim God’s Intended R
Our desire is to connect people to God and we know that worship plays a big role in making that connection. The music and songs in our worship are carefully selected to help reach the hearts of the lost and broken that come through our doors.
Our hope is to make The Foundry Church a place where everyone can feel comfortable and are able to experience a connection to our amazing God.

We want you to experience the presence of God in your life through intentional times of worship both personally and corporately.
Worship is so much bigger than just gathering to sing worship songs on Sunday mornings. Worship happens when God’s Spirit touches our spirit, and that can happen at nearly any time and in nearly any circumstance. These moments of close contact between us and God help us to see God more clearly and deepen our faith and trust in who God is.

We want you to experience the freedom of knowing who you are created to be.
Worship helps us gain perspective on who we are in relation to God and to Creation. Sometimes it helps us stay humble and not think of ourselves more highly than we ought to; and sometimes it reminds us that we have tremendous value and worth simply because we are created and dearly loved by God.

We want you to experience the sense of community that comes through joining with others in worship.
Worshiping together reminds us that we are not alone in life. We are surrounded by other living, breathing human beings, who are also created in God’s image. This can provide immense comfort and encouragement to us, as well as pushing us to love and serve one another more deeply.

We want you to experience the sense of purpose that comes through worshiping the God of all creation.
God’s intended reality is that humanity would co-rule all Creation alongside God. Worship reminds us that the promise of the God’s Kingdom is not only for us but for all humanity, and that all of humanity is called to steward and shepherd creation towards the flourishing of all.
We are always looking for vocalists and band members, as well as tech volunteers to run cameras, lighting, and presentation software.
To get involved with the worship and/or tech teams at The Foundry Church, fill out this online form. Someone will contact you shortly.
If you have any questions, or just want to know more about what we do and why we do it, please feel free to contact us.
Worship Pastor: Joe Robinson – josephrobinson@thefoundryc.org