“Christ’s love compels us…” (2 Cor.5:14)

Kicks off on TBD
Partnering with:
- Indian Trails Middle School
- Layer Elementary School.
Here’s how it works!
Beginning TBD, stop by the Angel Trees in the church lobby, or go to our digital sign-up (link below) and select the angel tag of the person(s) you would love to bless this Christmas with a requested gift(s). Someone will be stationed near the tree to record the angel tag you chose and to provide written instructions. If you sign-up digitally, instructions will be emailed to you.
– Sign-up to Sponsor a Child –
Unable to shop or come into the building?
You may give a cash donation. It will be used to purchase gifts for those not chosen from the Angel Tree or to other families in need. To give a cash donation, click the link below. Select “One Time Gift”. Then from the dropdown menu select “B-Benevolence”. Enter Amount. Your cash donation is tax deductible.
– Give a Donation to Sponsor a Child –
The deadline for returning your gifts to the church lobby or cash donation is TBD.
Questions or Comments please email: