Mission: Better you  / Better World

Vision: Reclaiming God’s Intended Reality


Here at The Foundry, we believe that conpleteness lies at the center of God’s intended reality. The Greek word for this completeness is “teleios”.

In Matthew 5:48, Jesus desires for us to “be complete (teleios) as your heavenly father is complete (teleios).”

The flourishing of God’s intended reality is experienced more and more deeply as we grow more and more complete in our relationships with:


GOD – We want to help people to establish and build and experiential relationship with God.

SELF – We want to help people to establish and build and experiential relationship with God.

OTHERS – We want to help people to cultivate healthy relationships with others

CREATION – We want to help people learn to embrace our role as stewards of creation.God.


We Believe . . .

God is Love

The Word of God

Heaven and Earth

Life to the Fullest

We believe in one God who is love.

We believe that God is generous and benevolent and gave existence to all that is.

We believe God created humanity out of love to share love.

We believe that God invites humanity to participate with Him in guiding and shaping the ongoing expansion of creation.

We believe God gives us free will to choose whether we will join Him in the process or if we will live in a life that is counter to His design for us.

We Are . . .



Getting our Hand Dirty

Agents of God’s Grace

Bringing Heaven to Earth

People in Process

Bringing Hope to the Poor

Wanting People to Live Life to the Fullest

Family is not perfect but we will do our best to look out for one another. Families live together, support each other, grow together, and have fun together. This is a place where we want you to experience all of these things.

John 1:12-13 “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.”

1 Corinthians 12:25-26 “so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.”



Seth Cain – Lead Pastor

Seth practices teleios through his connection with nature, whether trail running, attempting to keep bees, raising chickens, planting his garden, or building his food forest.

Doug Meyers – Executive Pastor

Doug practices teleios through loving and helping to bring up his grandchildren by taking time to listen to their needs.

Patti Maerz – Pastorial Care Minister

Patti practices teleios through enjoying nature in active ways such as hiking and kayaking

Hunter Maerz – Associate Pastor

Hunter practices teleios through game nights with family and friends, studying whatever intrigues him at the moment, and getting lost in nature one way or another

Joseph Robinson – Worship Pastor

Joseph practices teleios through building things – music and sounds; relationships; his family; his own eclectic knowledge base and skill set; and his deep and abiding love for the Atlanta Braves.

Alyce Troendle – Administrative Pastor

Alyce practices teleios through caring for animals and being creative through crocheting.

Mitchell & Hanna Dohm – Family Life Pastors

The Dohms practice teleios through investing time in their family.


Del & Bryan Turner – Elder

Kevin & Alyce Hipes – Elder

Kit and Steve Moody – Elder

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